Is Sleep Dentistry Helpful? Our Shelby Dentist Explains.

Sleep dentistry is also known as sedation dentistry and is very good for patients who have a phobia about going to the dentist or who fear the pain of some dental procedures. It’s also good for children who might have to endure a long dental procedure at our Shelby dentist office.

Sleep dentistry usually doesn’t put the patient all the way to sleep. However, it makes them so relaxed and comfortable that they might drift in and out of sleep during the procedure by their Shelby cosmetic dentists and may have no memory of the procedure afterwards. In rare cases the patient might be made unconscious, but it’s important for a patient even under sleep dentistry to be aware enough to follow the dentist’s instructions.

Our Shelby dentist may begin the sleep or sedation dentistry even before the procedure starts. They may prescribe a sedative for the patient a few hours or even the night before the procedure to relax them. With this in mind the patient should have someone bring them to the dentist’s office the next morning as well as take them back home after the operation. In the case of a child patient this sort of supervision will happen anyway.

There are several types of sedatives used for sleep dentistry. They can be oral sedatives like valium, which are given to patients before the dental procedure. The patient can also be given nitrous oxide or laughing gas to relax them. A very anxious patient might be given an intravenous sedative that will go straight to their bloodstream. This gets them into a relaxed state quickly, but still allows them to be conscious. Finally, if the patient is so phobic that nothing else can work for them they might be put under general anesthesia, which will in fact render them unconscious.

Shelby Dentist Shares Proof of Link Between Disease & Dental Health

Over the past decade, researchers discovered direct links between dental health and other health conditions, ranging from diabetes to heart disease. Modern dentists working at Blakeney dental office stay abreast of the connections between dental hygiene and overall health to help patients recognize and treat these underlying conditions. They treat periodontitis, which represents a major factor linked to disease.

These dentists in Shelby are well-versed in how periodontitis and diabetes create a vicius circle of inflammation that makes both conditions worse. Periodontitis occurs when oral bacteria produces inflammation the body’s immune system cannot handle. Gums begin to recede and teeth commonly loosen as infection invades the jawbone. Some patients seeking treatment for gum disease at Blakeney dental office might not process blood sugar correctly, which could lead to diabetes. When blood sugar levels rise, it acts as food for oral inflammation, making gum disease worse.

Dentists in Shelby also recognize the connection between dental health and heart disease. Health experts estimate up to 90 percent of heart patients also suffer from periodontitis and that gum disease might actually increase the risk of developing heart disease. They attribute the increased risk to the likelihood of blood vessels becoming inflamed when patients fail to care for their teeth and gums.

In addition to these health concerns, poor dental hygiene might also increase the odds of developing rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory disease, obesity, and osteoporosis, which occurs when bones become brittle and weak. Scientists believe gum disease not only affects the jawbone but also weakens bones in other areas of the body. The professionals at Blakeney dental office can treat oral health problems using a holistic approach to improve overall health and help patients prevent related diseases. The direct link between oral health and disease has been proven scientifically, making regular visits to Shelby dentists more important than ever.